Thursday, November 15, 2007

Spy Kitties

So I came across these pictures today.
Kitties are soooo nosy!!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Me and Rob

Ben invited me to a meet and greet for the L.A. Kings at Hollywood Park. The area was cordoned off for the event and they had free nachos, hotdogs, soda, water, and hot chocolate for us. Yay! They had queues set up set up for different players and I immediately got into line for Rob Blake. After a 15 year affair in my head, I finally got to meet my favorite player! It took me about 45 minutes to get to the front, but eventually I got there. Yeah, he's got the Big Bird nose, but the blues eyes and crooked smile still made me flustered. And did I mention that I had thing for nice arms? **sigh** I told him that he's been my favorite player since he started with the Kings. He thanked me and assented to signing my hat with the baby blue pen. Then it was time to take the picture. I noticed that everyone else taking a picture with the players didn't get much closer than maybe an arm around the shoulder. Not me. I waited almost 15 years for this so I got right up close and snuggled into the side of his neck. He only looks "slightly" uncomfortable. Tee hee. Looking back, I should have just jumped in his lap. That would have been an awesome picture! Well... I still got a great picture and he signed my hat. That will have to be good enough. =) Thanks, Rob, for humouring me!! To check out more pics, click on the pic of me and Rob below.
After we had gotten our fill of oggling the players, Ben, Antonio and I decided to watch a couple of the horse races. Antonio and I placed a bet on the first race and we won $16! Yay! We had to stay for the next race, too, because we had obviously caught the Bug. =P The next race we only won $4.50. Oh well. So we quit while we were ahead and left.
When we got back to their place, Antonio and I enjoyed a late lunch at George's Greek Deli, one of our favorite places to eat. We had lamb chops and avgolemono soup followed by baklava. Taaasty!

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Introducing: Lincoln!

Matt and Laura got a new kitty. His name is Lincoln. Why Lincoln? He is (as Matt calls him) an equal opportunity kitty. Not only is he black AND white, but he'll pretty much go and hang out with EVERYONE in turn. First he's on Dave's lap, then he moseys over to Laura, then flops down on me for a bit, and then wants to go to Matt. See? He loves everyone! He's three months old and sooo cute! The markings on his head kinda make him look like he's wearing a toupe, and the shape of his face is very long and sweet. Definitely a cute cat with great personality.

SEMA Show 2007

Last week was the SEMA show in Las Vegas. It's this huge convention showcasing aftermarket stuff for cars. Everything from tires to Navi's to dials. I flew in on Thursday night where Dave picked me up. We also met up with his friend Dustin and later with Marco, Brisia, and Hans for a little Blackjack. We spent Friday afternoon at SEMA and met up again with Marco and Brisia. The best part about SEMA? THE SOFT SERVE FROZEN CUSTARD! Yummy. They were there last year and that's what I looked forward to this year. So smooth and creamy.
Later that night Dave and I went to see Zumanity. I saw it the first week that it opened in 2003. Still sexy, still full of firm, perfect bodies. For dinner we went to Lawry's. I love Prime Rib! Dessert was even better. Something called a Chocolate Bag. White and milk chocolate moulded into the shape of a bag filled with berries, double chocolate mousse and whipped cream. There was also Chambord sauce drizzled around it with more berries. Soooo tasty. Especially with the the Chocolate Port.
We did a little shopping at the outlets on Saturday with Amy (my cousin's wife that lives out there) and then headed home. Oh wait... on the way home we went to the Zappos Outlet. Yaaaay!! Of course I bought a pair of really cute shoes! And the we went to the Fry's. Duhh... Of course Las Vegas's Fry's would be a slot machine!! Click on the slot machine for more pics from Vegas.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Spooktacular Halloween!

Yay! I love Halloween. I love to dress up. I used to love Trick O Treating. Well... I still love it, but I don't think I would be able to get candy. =P Dave came over the night before Halloween to carve a pumpkin. I designed it, he carved it. I think it came out pretty cool. Great teamwork!

On Halloween night I trekked up to Fuzzy's in Hollywood. It only took me TWO HOURS in traffic. Bleh. Fortunately for me, Fuzzy was ready with a parking spot and a nice cool glass of water for me when I got there. Yay! We were expecting three others to come: Greg, Jeff, and Ena. Fuzzy had also prepped some ribeyes for dinner. Yummy! She made some Ong Choy veggies for us with garlic and stinky shrimp paste. It was tasty... but as I just said, they were stinky, too! After we had all eaten, we got ready to go out and went to Vanguard for their Halloween Night. Yeah, it was Hip Hop. And yeah, it was about 90% Asian. But we still had a great time. We saw a lot of awesome costumes. Check out pics of the Cat-o-lantern and Halloween night here.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Food and Fun

Although not as crazy as other weekends, this weekend still ended up pretty full. Friday we went to a poker party. Hmm... no pics. Saturday, we went to Andy and Belinda's housewarming/Halloween party where we ran into some killer clowns. Andy made some awesome noodles that I couldn't stop eating. We had a lot of fun playing with their puppy, Fatima and their kitty, Sylvia. They have another kitty that didn't come out to play at all. =( No big deal. Sandy and I were kitty enough! Check out pics here.

Later that evening we went to a performance of Balinese Dancing at El Camino College. The percussion was really amazing and although I felt that the synchronized choreography could have been a bit cleaner I really enjoyed the show. All the moves look really difficult. I wasn't able to get any pictures, but the above is from their website.

We began Sunday with lunch with my parents (pictures here) followed by a trip into Hollywood to go see Nightmare Before Christmas in 3D with John and Miki. Nightmare pics here.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Popsicle Stars

We went to Joshua Tree to camp and watch the Orionids meteor shower. Joshua Tree is up in the high desert near 29 Palms. When we got there, the weather was nice and warm so we decided to go for a drive to explore the rest of the park. We found some really cool boulders to scramble up and down on.

Upon further exploration we found a lonely, but photogenic tree. So we included it in our socializing. Antonio and Ben brought their puppy Franklin. He's a black cocker spaniel about 5 months old and he's sooo cute! He's one of the mellowest little pups I've ever met. He never barked and he wasn't at all hight maintenance. Maybe I just liked him cause he would sit on my lap and just snuggle up. =) The meteor shower itself was a bit thin and it got crrraaazy cold and windy at night, but we still had a good time. We saw a couple of really bright trailer shooting stars. The next morning was just as windy so we leached a little power to run the coffee maker, had breakfast and then packed up to go home. Definitely a fun trip. Check out the pics here.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

How to turn yourself into an Anime character...

You know how people go to ComiCon and Cosplay all dressed up like video game and anime characters? Their outfits are always wicked awesome and have incredible detail... except for one flaw. They never get the eyes right. You can dye your hair and add leather and sequins and chrome all you want, but how the heck do you get those freakishly huge eyes?! Like this!!

I think Ana was taking a cue from the kitty clock...

okay, really... NOT Star-Chicken!!

So the other day Ana got the (crazy) idea to buy a chicken head costume for her kitties. The went totally ballistic. Click on her blog (Ana-Banana-log) to the right to see the result. Yesterday, she was kind enough to loan me the chicken head to see what Vash would do. It was kind of anti-climactic. Maybe it was just too early in the morning for Vash to react normally. I dunno. Anyway, she was pretty good about sitting thru the pictures. I even put it on her head on three separate occasions. She still looks pretty pissed... and maybe even a bit confused.

Monday, October 15, 2007

This past weekend

Last Friday, Mike came to DRI to be a subject for us. So afterwards we went to lunch at Bankok Sapphire for Thai food. Yummy. As you can see, Ana thought that whatever Jim was saying was pretty damn interesting.

I had a play date on Saturday with Craig to play Wii. Yay! We played DDR and the crazy rabbit game. I dunno what it's called, but it was fuuuun! Craig was concentrating really hard.

Catching up...

Yeah yeah... a lot has happened in between the last post and now. Here's the quick summary:

June - visited Spain and Portugal. Pics not up yet. I have 2000+ to sort thru!
July - 4th of July Block Party, pictures already posted. Dave's birthday, pictures posted.
August - Tons of August Babies birthdays... including me! Pictures here!

September - Dave and I just got back from Costa Rica with his parents. We had such an amazing time. The locals treated us fabulously and although typical Costa Rican food isn't fancy, it's pretty tasty. They're also really good at making international cuisine. Checkout the fun and food here.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

wHeird house, yummy food

Saturday was spent looking at houses... umm... JUST looking. =) But we came across this one. I don't know how the neighborhood allows it and wonder how much it brings down the value of other homes.

Saturday evening we had dinner with Ben, Antonio, and their friend Cindy at George's Greek Deli in Long Beach. They have the best lamb chops!! Atlantis, the belly dancer, also made an appearance. See her having fun with Dave and Antonio here.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Willow Springs Race

Dave and his THR-W team had a race up at Willow Springs on Saturday. They took two cars and one of them placed 3rd in Class. Yaaay! It was also Sam's (he's the guy in the middle) last race with them for a while since he's moving out to Ohio for the next couple of years. Bye, Sammy! To check out more pics, click on their purrrdy car below.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Independence Day - 2007

Summer is my favorite time of year. Well, in So Cal, that means that my favorite time of year is all year round. =P But for me Summer means a bit less traffic, summer birthday parties, and my second favorite holiday the 4th of July. My first favorite is Thanksgiving because of all the yummy food I get to eat with my family. Independence Day is my second favorite because... of all the yummy food I get to eat with my family AND of course the fireworks! It seems like I should like the 4th better than Thanksgiving, but you just can't beat the contented feeling you get after engorging on turkey, prime rib, and all the other tasty Thanksgiving food.
Every year on Independence Day, we have a block party at my Aunt's house in Rosemead. All the food is set out in the middle of street on tables and each family sets up their own eating area in front of their respective houses. The food is awesome because there's such a variety. Everything from fried chicken, to enchiladas, to curry! Once it gets dark, we bust out the fireworks and all the pyros on the block come out. You can see more pictures here.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Relaxing weekend

I love having weekends with nothing to do... Friday night was spent with Mark, Tina and several others rockin' at REd. I had a bit of a hangover on Saturday morning because I broke my "no cheap alchol" rule and actually drank Apple Smirnoff (Grrrrooooss!). It was tough getting up at 7am to let in the cleaning lady and then go to Antonio's to have my hair cut at 9. Needless to say, Antonio took wonderful care of me. Like it? I donated 10 in. of it to Locks of Love. Yay! Saturday nightl, Lisa and I went to see "Live Free or Die Hard." I loooove Bruce Willis and all the Die Hard movies. We had some time before the movie started so we met Tina for Pho, followed by a caramel sundae for Lisa and a vanilla black cherry shake for me. Btw... that's supposed to be Ruby's TINY sundae. Dave and I finished the weekend off with a BBQ at Sir's house. He and Annie made Kahlua pork, creamed corn, salad, mac n cheese, ice cream sandwich cake, tres leches with green tea... and a bunch of other stuff that I know I ate, but can't remember. Yes... it was good weekend.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Purrdy Flowers

The other day, my Hunny brought me these colorful flowers to brighten up my office. Luckily my vase (not seen here) showed up just in time.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Father's Day

Our family didn't get enough of each other during the two weeks we spent together in Europe so we had our Father's Day celebration a week later on Sunday. Actually, several of the fathers didn't get to go on the trip so we decided that the food theme would be a tribute to the palpable provisions from Portugal: roast suckling pig, seafood paella, boiled veggies, fresh fruit, and a whole lot of other yummy stuff. See food here.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Playboy JazzFest 2007

We went to the 29th Annual Playboy Jazz Fest. I loooove live music. We had an awesome box seat that Charlie and Mills so kindly shared with us. Since this is our second year coming with them, we were all pretty well prepared with artichokes, caprese salad, other tasty snacks and of course... BOOOOZE. Dave made a sweet sangria, Charlie brought the brandy, and we wet our whistles on the wine. Did I mention the cheese? Well, there it was. =P
Btw... Etta James is one crazy (and NAAASTY) lady. And did anyone ever notice her freakishly huuuuge hands?! But I have to say this... as wHack as she is... she's an awesome performer! Check out the pics and videos from our fun night here.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Travelling Me

Our family just got back from an amazing trip to Spain and Portugal. We had a blast with 18 of our crazy family members for two whole weeks! I do have to say that I found Portugal to be much friendlier than Spain and the service waaaay better. When they serve you food at a restaurant in Spain, they plop it in front of you and then you never see them again! But in Portugal they come back to make sure everything is alright and even joke around with you. I also brought Pablo along. That crazy monkey kept popping into random people's pictures.
P.S. Pics of the trip to be posted on my picasa site here. I have a few from Spain up, but I took over 2000 pictures so give me another week or so to sort thru them.

I'm back!!!

yay!! It works now!! more to come!!