Thursday, July 05, 2007

Independence Day - 2007

Summer is my favorite time of year. Well, in So Cal, that means that my favorite time of year is all year round. =P But for me Summer means a bit less traffic, summer birthday parties, and my second favorite holiday the 4th of July. My first favorite is Thanksgiving because of all the yummy food I get to eat with my family. Independence Day is my second favorite because... of all the yummy food I get to eat with my family AND of course the fireworks! It seems like I should like the 4th better than Thanksgiving, but you just can't beat the contented feeling you get after engorging on turkey, prime rib, and all the other tasty Thanksgiving food.
Every year on Independence Day, we have a block party at my Aunt's house in Rosemead. All the food is set out in the middle of street on tables and each family sets up their own eating area in front of their respective houses. The food is awesome because there's such a variety. Everything from fried chicken, to enchiladas, to curry! Once it gets dark, we bust out the fireworks and all the pyros on the block come out. You can see more pictures here.

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