Monday, December 11, 2006

DRI Christmas Party 2006

This year's party took place at HT Grill in Redondo Beach. Susana brought Craigorio as her date and he returned the favor by having after-hours at his and Mike's place. Yay! Dave and I got pretty spiffied up. I was afraid I might be a little FOB'd out, but it worked. Thank you, Antonio for doing an awesome job on my hair! For more pics, just click on Jim groovin' below!

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Monday, October 09, 2006

I love stuff

This weekend was pretty busy. It started with scrapbooking on Friday. I got one half of a spread from the Kelly Clarkson concert done. I think I'll try to finish the other half, maybe even the other spread sometime this week. My Hunny will be going on a work trip so I'll have a little time on my hands.
Here's how Chore-day Saturday went. Among other things, we needed to get a RugDoctor for the carpets:
1. Go to Time Warner, pick up cable box.
2. At lunch we make a shopping list for groceries. I suggest going to Ralph's to get the RugDoctor since that's where I wanted to go grocery shopping and buy a soup pot since my old roommate accidentally took mine. Veto'd by Hunny because he doesn't think it will be there. We go to Albertson's.
3. Go to Albertson's to get RugDr and groceries.
4. Leave Alberton's - they're out of RugDr's.
5. Go to Von's to get RugDr and groceries.
6. Leave Von's - they don't carry RugDr. I suggest trying Ralph's again since it's the only one left and I really need to get groceries to make soup for the week.
7. Go to Ralph's. They have groceries. They have soup pots. Guess what... they even have RugDoctors! I get my groceries (no soup pot since it's too big... something like 20 gal). Hunny gets the RugDr. We head home.
8. Hunny starts on the carpets while I put groceries away, prep the other room and clean my own room.
9. After about four hours of hard labor (did I mention that since there was only one RugDr, I didn't have to doctor any rugs? Yep... I got the better end of the deal) we decide to go eat. The carpets need to dry anyway. We stop at some friends' house to pick up an end table and key. Lucky us, they have "Thank you for helping us out" gift certificate to Riviera Mexican Grill. Yay! Sangria time!
10. Dinner at Riviera... taaaasty. We shared crab quesadillas and fried fish tacos.
11. Go back to the house. New roommate is coming to pick up her key.
12. Hunny decides that he should bring the RugDr back tonight, but fears Ralph's might close early. He goes anyway. About 15 minutes later, I get a call, "This Ralph's is great! It's open 24 hrs!" Heh... whad'ya know?

Sunday turned out great. We had a church luncheon (my Aunt's church) where they had food, music, raffle prizes, games, crafts to buy, etc. It was pretty fun. I will definitely post some pics. Since it was my Uncle's birthday we went out to dinner for him, too. Unfortunately I didn't know it was supposed to be a surprise. I asked my cousin's wife what time we were leaving the house for dinner. She, in turn, asked *sigh* my uncle. He said, "What dinner?" Oops. Who'd a thunk that that only two that didn't know it was a surprise would collaborate together and blow it? Oh well... dinner was awesome anyway... especially with my Uncle saying, "Wow! I didn't know you were going to be here for dinner!" everytime another family member came thru the door. One of the best dishes was the crab. It was stir fried so it had this light crispy, salty coating and had dry-fried minced garlic and chilies over it. Ohhhh yummmy!! Pictures will come soon. I know there's even one of Hunny picking up the chicken head and kissing it. Part of his initiation into eating with our family. =P

My ear is almost back to normal. I'll need to post another pic or two. It's still a little sensitive but other than that, it's all guud! Bleh... too much. All done for now!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

*in the voice of Peter Griffin on a PA*

Attention Everybody!!


that is all

(that was for Susana and Ana... especially because we miss Susana!!! Come home soon!!)

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

van Kytten

Last Tuesday I went in to have my ear taken care of. I went in to the plastic surgeon's office to have a keloid removed. Here are the results:

Before the procedure.............................About an hour after.

Later that night......................................A few days later.

As one can see, my ear looked like a dog attacked and mangled it. It's doing much better now. The swelling has almost completely gone down so I don't look like I have one Dumbo ear and the color is not quite so much of a crushed grape anymore. My stitches come out on Friday so we'll see how everything looks then!

Heading into Lucille's

A couple of weeks ago we went to Lucille's for lunch with the crew from our last project. It was kind of a "Great Job, Guys!" kinda lunch (we're a little spoiled). Anyway, on the way from the parking lot to the restaurant, Ana had quite a near mishap with a STOP sign.

This could have been a very bad day for Ana.

Angela showing Ana the correct way to negotiate a STOP sign. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Hooray for 3-day weekends!

Finally... a long weekend where I pretty much didn't do anything! Friday night: out for a bit for a few drinks in W LA and then to Avalon in Hollywood. The music at Avalon... bleh... no likey Dirty Vegas. Overplayed, too slow, not enough energy... bleh bleh bleh. Needless to say, we cut out early and went back to Fuzzy's for afterhours (at which we didn't stay too long... tired). Saturday: dinner at Matt and Laura's. Sunday: Aroma with the Kween (mmm... body scrubs!) followed by a calm little Labor Day BBQ. Monday: oh... delicious-no-work-on-Monday Monday! Dim sum with Mom and Dad, went to JoAnn's to get material to make a veil for Belinda's Bachelorette party (thanks to Laura's help), worked on the veil till my Hunny came over for dinner... and that was the end of that. Yay!

And just for kicks... I came across these this morning and couldn't stop laughing...

This is Ana's kitty Smuckers... she's scared... can't you tell?

And this video is just silly: Poor kitty

Woohoo!! all done!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

I love Underwear!

One of the few "spammy" things I get is DailyCandy where they let me know about places to eat and things to see and buy in Southern California. Most of the time, I check out the article, maybe even check out the site and then I'm done. But last week they sent me HoneyDew Intimates so I had to order these:

They also come in cherries, watermelon, banana, apples, and strawberry! So of course I decide to order Christmas presents for the girls... and then I make the mistake of talking to Fuzzee... I was too excited about underwear and I spilled the beans! I ended up giving the girls their undies last weekend! Oh well... time to shop some more! Oh yeah... I also ordered some jammies for myself. They're made of Loden Modal... apparently some derivative of beech wood... but they're soooo soft! yummy!

poor kitty

This morning, Dave brought Red to the vet... it's finally time. The poor pussycat is going to have his *gulp* balls chopped off. He's already about 5 or 6 months old and about 7 lbs. Big Kitty!

Monday, August 28, 2006

Fuzz Ball

Red... when he was still leeetle Posted by Picasa
Here is Red... as a teeny, tiny little thing. I think he was about 10 weeks old here. Now he's hugemongous and about 5 months old. More pics to follow!


Vash Posted by Picasa
I figure that I need to have at least one pic of Vash here.

Bugger Bugger Bugger

Bugger in the Sun Posted by Picasa
This is Aaron Louis Lok-To Kun... Bugger, for short. He is much loved... and I'm an Auntie!!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

a comic from Ana that's not Dane Cook

Ana introduced me to a comic that she likes... I wish I could give this answer all the time:

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
Cyanide & Happiness @

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


I've got blogger envy. We'll see how long I can keep this up. This first post is for you, Ana!!!

My Blogger Promises:

I promise not to make this a constant Bitchfest.

I promise to try and keep this blog updated at least twice a week (I know I'm weak compared to all you pros out there).

I promise not to get caught blogging during work hours (so... how do I change the timestamp?).

I promise to put plenty of pictures of my kitty on the blog, without turing this into my catster page:

Vash on Catster!!

Okay... that's enough promises that I can't keep... done for now!!