Sunday, January 18, 2009

Disneyland with Miki & John

Yesterday we went to Disneyland with Miki and John.  We thought it would be busy because of the long weekend, but we only waited 15 minutes at most for each ride!  Woohoo!  We almost didn't make Space Mountain because they shut down during our Fast Pass time.  Bleh!  But we came back later and it was all good!  We pretty much went on everything else of importance except for Nemo because the line was about an hour long.  Indiana Jones was awesome, as usual!  That's why it's my favorite!  We got soaked on Splash Mountain... really... I got seriously drenched!  Pirates of the Carribean was super fun, but Haunted Mansion was closed.  We went on the Matterhorn and Big Thunder Mountain Railroad and we did two other things that I haven't done in almost 20 years.  We went to Tom Sawyer's Island and rode the Teacups!  The Teacups were pretty interesting.  Try getting four full sized adults crammed into that little space below the wheel!  And then the boys decided to try and spin us as fast as they could!  Oh yeah... this was right before dinner!  Speaking of dinner, we finished off the day with a wonderful meal at the Jazz Kitchen topped off with Double Chocolate Bread Pudding!!  Drooollll!  Check out more pics here.

1 comment:

Miki said...

A great day at the Happiest Place on Earth, definitely! Can't wait until we go back to DCA!! And the bread pudding was seriously to die for! :) Lovely pix by the way - thanks Amanda!! You have some mad skills. If I really had to pick a favorite pic, it would be one of the 'sick' pictures from the Tea Cup...! I was seriously SICK!