Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Hannibal rabbit face

I got something in my contact lens today so I had to ask Ana for some contact lens solution. I laughed because I remembered how on other occasions she used to toss me the solution, knowing (maybe not remembering) that I only had one lens in. The she brought up the time I tossed it back to her... and hit her in the mouth. The above picture is the result with an ice pack on Ana's mouth... yes... taped with gaffer's tape. Note the kitty face that turned into a rabbit face.
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Wednesday, July 09, 2008

hehe... can I actually catch up all in one post?

I think this post is mostly for documentation purposes since I've been such a lagger in posting. Here's what's been going on:

1. Dave and I are engaged! The wedding is next month in August and we're working our butts off to get ready.
2. Andy and Belinda had their baby boy Logan on July 3rd. He was 8 lbs 2oz and everybody is happy and healthy.
3. Dave and I bought a house in Torrance. Woohoo! It's a bit of a fixer-upper but I'm so lucky that Dave has been around construction his whole life. We'll be able to make it what we want!

I think that's all the big stuff. I'll leave it at that for now. Details to follow on all the wedding planning and house renovations.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

4th of July

We went the Annual 4th of July Block Party at my Aunt Sheila's house and this year I invited Ana to come. She brought Marco, Rose and some yummy pies. It was really great to hang out with the family doing our favorite thing: EATING!! Annie and Sir brought creme brulee and a heavenly Dulce de Leche Angel Food Cake roll. It totally melted in your mouth. Dave and I made a light lemony-lime cucumber honey mint water in the hopes it would be refreshing on the hot day. I think other people liked it as much as I did... but maybe it needed more honey. Ana was gracious enough to take pictures and share... as if she would do anything else! Check out the pics here.